Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm totally judgmental

So, one of my favorite things to say is "I'm a terrible sinner and if it weren't for Jesus I'd go straight to hell."

Why is it my favorite?

Because it's true.

Very true.

Tonight I was perusing my facebook friends (some of whom I barely know) and came across this girl that is pregnant and living with her boyfriend. I was looking at her statuses and saw one that talked about God and Heaven and all of that feel good stuff.

My self righteous heart said "why is she talking about that? She's living a life in sin! Does she even know what she's talking about? She's giving Christianity a bad name!"

That's when God whispered to me. He didn't even have to yell this time.

He said "Jenny, you're a sinner. Those words spoke to her just like song lyrics speak to you. You can understand my Grace because you're a sinner. She can understand my Grace because she's a sinner. When you sin, you give Christianity a 'bad name' as you like to say."

Woah. Ok, God. Point taken.

The way I see it, the only difference between her sin and mine is that mine is easy to hide behind. I can hide behind righteousness and the only one that can really find me is God. What sins do you hide behind?

This is just another instance where Christ shows me if it weren't for him, I'd be a goner.

Apart from Him, I'm a terrible sinner.

Apart from Him, I'd go to hell.

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